
We invite you to join Merseyside Robot Fighting consisting of a £3 join fee paid annually (via Rampage, see below).

Students at a University or an accredited college in the UK will receive free membership.

This fee to join helps us cover costs including but not limited to: insurance, venue fees, crew costs.

How To Join

You can join Merseyside Robot Fighting by first registering or authenticating into Rampage; our event and tournament manager. You can join by visiting

Code of Conduct

The following is the behavioural standard which Merseyside Robot Fighting will follow.

We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the sport of roboteering. The behaviour of all roboteers has an impact, directly and indirectly, on the reputation of the sport and of everyone involved in the sport – both in and out of the arena. Should an incident occur at an event, it is the Event Organiser's responsibility to carry out any investigation and take any action deemed by them to be necessary. Should an incident be brought to the attention of the FRA, it may be investigated separately, including the examination of all relevant documents and where appropriate information from witnesses both orally and by written statements.

Examples of misconduct include but are not restricted to:

Not abiding by the behavioural standards of Merseyside Robot Fighting could result in immediate removal from our events and the FRA and other EO's that run Insectweight events being notified where applicable.

Build & Competition Rules

For Build Rules, we mostly follow the FRA Build Rules. Please click here to view the Ruleset. The below rules are in place at MRF events.

We have our own Competition Rules which are derived from the FRA Competition Rules. This document outlines key differences set out in the above ruleset and the rules standard for all aspects of our competitions. This can be viewed by clicking here.